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Thursday, May 23, 2013

The official return of summer.

Summer in New England has always meant soft serve ice cream with jimmies. My first cup was a 2013 milestone and now I'm hooked! I've been trying to eat healthier, but I can't say no to ice cream! I know that it's not technically summer yet, but I don't care! Ice cream = summer!

(My best friend Ashley and I had shakes and floats before seeing Iron Man last weekend.)

Oh summer, I hope you stick around...


  1. Oh my goodness, the first summer I lived in Boston a friend asked me to get them ice cream with "jimmies" and I was like...what the heck are you talking about. Now I say it in Missouri and get the weirdest looks :)

    1. So funny! I have a friend who moved to New Hampshire and we took her out for ice cream. The look of confusion on her face when the guy at the window asked her if she wanted jimmies was priceless. She had zero clue what he was talking about! I always forget that it's not a common term because I grew up with it!

  2. It's a total New England thing for sure. Sprinkles go on cupcakes, jimmies on ice cream.

  3. Yummy! There is nothing better than jimmies on soft serve. I also used to love dole whip when I lived out in Rhode Island. It was a summer staple.

    1. I have never had a Dole Whip but I've heard they're amazing!
